Friday 6 December 2019

Taken from my latest trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This is Book Street. Since I love books so much I just had to pay this one a visit. It's very unique mainly because the place is very quiet and serene and cool unlike the streets in HCMC. You seriously have to be there to be able to understand just how busy the streets in HCMC are.
Anyway, walking around in HCMC gave me the opportunity to slowly get a feel of the whole place and I must say that even with the gadzillion or so motorbikes criss crossing the streets and missing you by a fraction of an inch, I actually felt so much safer in Ho Chi Minh than I did in Paris. My only fear was, what else, crossing the streets. Given the benefit of hindsight, I think those were some of the highlights of my trip to Vietnam - half-closing my eyes while running across the busy streets.

Life is as good as it gets

Here I go again with blogging.  I must have started and abandoned about 12 half-cooked, half-assed blogs.  Others seem to have no problem at all writing whatever is on their mind but for me, I always get stuck and I can never get unstuck.  Sometimes I think the main reason is that I don't do anything exciting at all.  Granted, I have travelled to some of the most amazing places in the world but there are so many travel blogs online and they are far more well-written.  Cooking blog?  I can't cook even if my life depended on it.  Hobby?  My only hobby is reading and maybe I should write about all the books that I've read and  give my two cents, so to speak.  I will figure it out as I go along in my latest blogging adventure or should I say, misadventure. 

Writing might come easy to most people but with my poor grasp of the English language and my close to crappy grammar, I don't think anyone would find my entries interesting.  So why do I keep trying?  Well, easy.  I just want to write and at the same time try to improve my writing skills and hopefully, improve my English.  That's not such a bad goal, is it?  

Keeping my fingers crossed till the next entry.